Sunday, March 01, 2009

Dynamo 5 Issue # 20

Hey Everyone. There was a bit of confusion surrounding the release date of this issue. But that's all over now as the book is IN STORES!

The story is about Augie on the morning of Captain Dynamo’s funeral and the problems he has to deal with because of the Captain’s absence. No spoiler alert here. If you’d like to know more about the story go out and buy Dynamo5 #20. As an additional bonus, #20 is a new starting point for this great book. Yep, we’re fans too. We’ve been buying it since the beginning.

Run, jump, FLY to your LCS (Local Comic Shop) and pick up this book, you will not regret it. Below are links to a few reviews I've fond on it so far. Let me know what you think.


Review 1

Review 2